Saturday, December 28, 2019

Vaccinations Really Worth The Shot - 1584 Words

Vaccinations: Definitely Worth the Shot Vaccines are safer than ever and widely considered one of the greatest medical achievements of modern civilization. Childhood diseases, that were once a major problem, are now rare due to vaccinations. Immunizations are effectively changing the United States in so many ways. This includes: protecting others you care about, saving families time and money, and protecting future generations to come. Some citizens are objecting to vaccinations because of minor symptoms when they should really be looking at all the benefits they bring to us. The diseases are much worse than the potential side effects from the vaccines. People might not realize just what vaccine preventable-diseases can do. For instance, measles is fever, rash, pneumonia, brain infection and the leading cause of childhood blindness in the world. Some parents who do not want to vaccinate want to avoid anything that’s not natural for their kids. Tara Smith, associate professor of epidemiology at Kent State Univers ity, states, â€Å"If you want to do something natural, vaccination is far more natural that if your child ends up on a ventilator or needing antibiotics or if they end up with a brain infection so if you are trying to balance what’s the most natural way to take care of your child, I would say measles vaccine is pretty high up there† (Wallace, 1). In order to prevent re-occurring outbreaks, citizens must continue to get their vaccinations and make sure their childrenShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Measles Vaccination Rates1314 Words   |  6 PagesNoticing this, David Ropeik wrote his op-ed piece â€Å"Stop Fussing over Measles Vaccination Rates. Start Worrying about Flu Shots† towards the end of 2015. It is here where Ropeik offers a compelling, yet structurally flawed, argument to focus on influenza over measles. David Ropeik, a consultant in risk perception and risk communication, was a former professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, and wrote â€Å"How Risky Is It, Really? Why Our Fears Don’t Match The Facts† (â€Å"David†). Ropeik starts and endsRead MorePros and Cons to Vaccination in Children1750 Words   |  7 PagesJennifer Krahenbuhl English 102 Patricia McKeown September 1st 2014 Pros and Cons to Vaccinations in Children Almost everyone has heard of the benefits and dangers of childhood vaccines. Parents are especially eager to do what is best for their child to protect him or her. Some people have different opinions on what the best specifically entails when it comes to childhood vaccines. Vaccinations are a controversial discussion as parents question whether it should be mandatory or optional whenRead MoreShould Vaccination Be Given to Children1208 Words   |  5 Pagesnothing worse than seeing an adolescent life being taken away from a dangerous disease. It is really painful knowing that person will never get to live to see their full potential and experience life. Diseases cause many deaths every year, it is inevitable. Bacteria are contained in every disease and one way it is absorbed is by being inhaled by the people, which will infect the body as a whole. It is really simple in that bacteria will continue to live freely and happily while the host will have toRead MoreVaccinations Persuasive Essay1646 Words   |  7 Pages Should Vaccinations for School Aged Children be Optional? Livia Simon, a six-month-old girl, as well as more than 30 other children too young to be vaccinated, were quarantined in their Oakland, California homes for three weeks following a potential exposure to measles at a local hospital. The exposure was from a child whose parents chose to refuse the common MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) vaccine that would have prevented the incident. â€Å"People say it’s a personal choice not to vaccinate but it’sRead MoreI Am Doing A Research Paper On The Controversy Surrounding Vaccines1440 Words   |  6 Pagesshould not get vaccinations and that they can do more harm than good, and yet there are others who believe that getting vaccinations is the only way to prevent a massive outbreak in a community. Some questions I wanted to ask and answer are; can vaccinations actually be harmful to you? Can you still get a disease that you have been vaccinated against? Do parts of the world that have access to more vaccinations have less widespr ead epidemics and outbreaks because of the vaccinations, or just becauseRead MoreChildren With Asd Produced The Same Amount Of Antigens From Vaccines1779 Words   |  8 Pagesside effects such as redness or swelling after injection (CDC, np). Even so, the FDA decided to remove thimerosal from vaccines back in 2001 (Ross, np). Some anti-vaxxers claim that they don’t need to vaccinate their children because â€Å"measles isn’t really that bad† (Ross, np). Measles is a respiratory disease within the lungs and breathing tubes that results in fever and rash, and it is very contagious (CDC, np). Measles causes cough, runny nose, rash, diarrhea, and ear infection (CDC, np). MeaslesRead MoreVaccinations Should Be Mandatory Out Of Vaccinating Children1942 Words   |  8 Pageswithin their first two years of life, and receiving booster shots as they get older. This idea leads to numerous debates on why children should be vaccinated or why parents should be able to opt out of vaccinating their children due to developmental concerns or religious beliefs. In my opinion, however, regardless of religious beliefs, vaccinations should be mandatory—unless there is a medical reason not to—because not only do vaccinations protect children from various diseases and can save their livesRead MorePuppy Mills Have Been Notorious For Keeping The Puppy Trade Industry Alive1931 Words   |  8 Pagesthese devastating cases. Another rule to be keen on is the amount of vaccinations given to the dogs involved. Many puppy mills tend to do their own vaccinations to avoid showing off the dogs that tend to be in terrible condition. It is always the cheaper option as well. However, a study on vaccinations on dogs from dog dealers shows that many dogs sent to pet stores from these dog dealers suffer from a lack of correct vaccinations. They tend to be prone to more dangerous diseases and catch them earlierRead MoreThe Importance Of A Data Media1091 Words   |  5 Pagesgovernment recognizes Influenza as vaccine preventable and encourages all to get a flue shot, yet 36,000 people died form it last year and 216 Children ages 0-14 died from the Flu in 2016. I’m guessing vaccine preventable disease outrage is selective according to these numbers. I think I’ll take break a nd go curse my mother in law out now because she didn’t get the flu vaccine. Oh wait that’s measles. But really, this is what is happening. Another insane number to take note of is the amount of childrenRead MoreReasons For Mandatory Immunization Records1850 Words   |  8 Pages California now along with two other states joined Mississippi and West Virginia that perm only medical exemptions as legitimate reasons to evade vaccinations. The four times that a student’s vaccination records are required are: 1. Entering daycare or preschool; 2. Entering kindergarten; 3. Entering kindergarten and 4. Any time a k-12 student changes school districts. That is, just changing schools within a district does not require the student’s parent/guardian to provide immunization records.

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