Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The potential costs and benefits of participation in future Research Paper

The potential costs and benefits of participation in future multilateral nuclear arms - Research Paper Example Further, the continued dissemination of technical and scientific knowledge and the increasing concerns regarding the environmental effects of fossil fuels, the access to dual-purpose technologies will undoubtedly grow. From a Beijing perspective, this project will write a policy paper that outlines the potential costs and benefits of participating in future multilateral nuclear arms control negotiations involving the United States, Russia and China. China declared during the Cold War that as a nation, it would become part of a multilateral arms control regime so long as the US and Russia reduced their arsenals by half (SCRF 47). This led to the US and Russia reducing their nuclear stock piles. China went ahead and fulfilled that condition, but there are recent reports that it will keep holding back from getting into multilateral arms control with the two nations until their arsenals are more closer in size to its own (Fowler 53). Further, financial, technological and doctrinal constraints have kept China from engaging in nuclear arms control with the US and Russia. However, if China participates in the disarmament, nonproliferation and multilateral arms control, negotiations, there will be associated costs to Beijing. First, China will have to contend with the risk of being exposed to attacks by other NWS and, in particular, the US and Russia, with whom they are supposed to enter a control regime (Larson & Shevchenko 118). This is regardless of how unfounded the possibility presently seems but, given the massive population of China and the likely consequences of an attack, it is a risk that cannot be assumed. There will also be further moral and strategic costs, particularly in terms of defending key national interests and those touching on territorial integrity and national sovereignty. While officially declining to be participants of the 2003 US-proposed

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Development of Irish Education Essay Example for Free

The Development of Irish Education Essay There were huge provisions and developments of education between 1965 and 1984. In 1962 a review of second-level education in the Republic was initiated by the Department of Education, in co-operation with the OECD, culminating in the publication of the report Investment in Education (1965). This report had significant consequences for the development of educational policy. It dealt with two main themes: the capacity of the educational system to meet skill requirements for economic growth, and inequalities in levels of participation. It found that the numbers of those giving up school, together with a restricted curriculum in many secondary schools, would result in a shortage in the qualified labour (particularly in relation to technical qualifications) necessary for economic development. In addition, the report dealt with considerable socio-economic and regional disparities in participation rates. Investment in Education provided the impetus for the introduction of the free education scheme in 1967. This scheme removed fees for participating secondary schools (to reduce socio-economic inequalities) and introduced a school transport scheme (to reduce regional inequalities). The scheme led to a significant increase in the number of enrolments in second-level schools; however, socio-economic and regional disparities persist (Lalor, 2003) In the words of Luke Gibbons (1996), this report was ‘set out to remove the school from the sacristy and place it in line with the need for greater technological change in society’. The report helped to shape the future of Irish Education and through giving greater impetus to nascent trends, contributed to an expansion of the system and to issues such as social inequality and educational effectiveness being placed on the political agenda. Overall, however, the report was part of a pragmatic rather than ideological response to the educational challenges raised by a modernising society (O’Sullivan, 1989). The report highlighted many facts including the high instance of school leavers, low rate of vocational student entering third level courses, inequality of opportunity – unfair access to secondary education and also the need for wider participation in education and for longer retention of pupils in the educational system. This is only a few highlights whereas there were four major recommendations set out by the report of the investment for education which include: 1. The use of scholarship schemes to increase participation. 2. Need for policy planning to improve education at all levels. 3. Possible amalgamation of small national schools. 4. Teachers be kept up to date with ‘new knowledge’. From this report many major developments within the Irish school system have occurred. These developments include

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fuel for Thought Essay example -- Essays Papers

Fuel for Thought Should our government regulate the fuel economies of our automobiles or should this be left up to the market? The Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards that were implemented in the 1970s contributed to great improvements in vehicle fuel economies. While we have environmental and political reasons to want cars with better fuel efficiency, there are also costs involved. The declining fuel economies of the last fifteen years seem to reveal that many Americans are not willing to bear these costs. Still, the vehicles that we drive today may be a misrepresentation of our true values. We may value environmental quality and/or independence from foreign oil, but sometimes our individual actions misrepresent our personal or societal goals. Since people's actions can be disconnected from theirvalues and society's goals, we cannot rely solely on the market; the governmentshould take action to increase the fuel efficiency of our vehicles. The energy crisis of the 1970s led congress to pass a law requiring automakers to improve the number of miles per gallon (mpg) that U.S. automobiles used. These CAFE standards led to vast improvement in fuel efficiency ("Another Cup...", 6). In 1973 the average fuel economy of light-duty vehicles, which includes cars, SUVs, vans and pickup trucks that weigh less than 8,500 pounds, was 14mpg. By 1987 average fuel economies had reached 22.1mpg. CAFE standards were frozen in the late 1980s. Since then,fuel efficiency has declined slightly. The average fuel economy in2003 model-year cars is 20.8 mpg. This decline is mostly due to theincreased popularity of SUVs. "The SUV market share increased by morethan a factor of ten, from less tha... ...are held by people in opposition to fuel economy standards. Some people are concerned about safety implications, increased vehicle costs and/or problems within the auto industry. 7. Samaras, Zissis. "Emissions Reduction via Improvements in Engines and Fuels: The Tehran Case." Journal of Urban Technology 6 (April 1999): 63-87. In this document, Zissis Sararas looks at a two-year project done in Tehran, Iran that aimed to reduce vehicle emissions by making engine and fuel improvements. Sararas provides data on emissions in Tehran and compares that to emissions in developed countries. Sararas describes methods from around the world that are used reduce emissions and/or increase fuel economy. He discusses emissions standards, particularly in Europe, diesel engines, fuel improvements, fuel economy regulations in the U.S. and alternative technologies. Fuel for Thought Essay example -- Essays Papers Fuel for Thought Should our government regulate the fuel economies of our automobiles or should this be left up to the market? The Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) standards that were implemented in the 1970s contributed to great improvements in vehicle fuel economies. While we have environmental and political reasons to want cars with better fuel efficiency, there are also costs involved. The declining fuel economies of the last fifteen years seem to reveal that many Americans are not willing to bear these costs. Still, the vehicles that we drive today may be a misrepresentation of our true values. We may value environmental quality and/or independence from foreign oil, but sometimes our individual actions misrepresent our personal or societal goals. Since people's actions can be disconnected from theirvalues and society's goals, we cannot rely solely on the market; the governmentshould take action to increase the fuel efficiency of our vehicles. The energy crisis of the 1970s led congress to pass a law requiring automakers to improve the number of miles per gallon (mpg) that U.S. automobiles used. These CAFE standards led to vast improvement in fuel efficiency ("Another Cup...", 6). In 1973 the average fuel economy of light-duty vehicles, which includes cars, SUVs, vans and pickup trucks that weigh less than 8,500 pounds, was 14mpg. By 1987 average fuel economies had reached 22.1mpg. CAFE standards were frozen in the late 1980s. Since then,fuel efficiency has declined slightly. The average fuel economy in2003 model-year cars is 20.8 mpg. This decline is mostly due to theincreased popularity of SUVs. "The SUV market share increased by morethan a factor of ten, from less tha... ...are held by people in opposition to fuel economy standards. Some people are concerned about safety implications, increased vehicle costs and/or problems within the auto industry. 7. Samaras, Zissis. "Emissions Reduction via Improvements in Engines and Fuels: The Tehran Case." Journal of Urban Technology 6 (April 1999): 63-87. In this document, Zissis Sararas looks at a two-year project done in Tehran, Iran that aimed to reduce vehicle emissions by making engine and fuel improvements. Sararas provides data on emissions in Tehran and compares that to emissions in developed countries. Sararas describes methods from around the world that are used reduce emissions and/or increase fuel economy. He discusses emissions standards, particularly in Europe, diesel engines, fuel improvements, fuel economy regulations in the U.S. and alternative technologies.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

For decades, America has been the fastest growing economy country in the world, and Detroit was one of the most leading populous city in the United States. Back in 1930, Detroit was the fastest growing city, but now is the fastest shrinking city with more than 100, 000 abandoned homes (Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady). Similarly, Bay Area economy was the envy of the nation with high employment rates and GDP growth like Detroit in the 1930s, and is currently suffering from losing jobs, residents, and status. Both Detroit and the Bay Area are single resource-based industries - where Detroit is manufacturing dominated, and Bay Area is high technology dominated. However, the Bay Area will not go bankrupt and become a ghost town in fifty years, because its high diversities in the economic opportunities are attracting people to stay and work here. High educated and talented people is the fundamental for the economic development in the cities. In Detroit, many workers in the car industries are either unskilled or low skilled workers with only high school diplomas simply because of those works do not need special talents or skills in order to have the work done. Due to the division of labor, large jobs are breaking down into many tiny components. â€Å"Under this regime each worker becomes an expert in one isolated area of production, thus increasing his efficiency† (Adam Smith). Detroit was not creating suitable jobs for high educated or professional people to work there; therefore, it caused the brain drain. Brain drain by definition means â€Å"the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living conditions (Merriam Webster Dictionary). This means that high skil... According to Nancy Andrews, Christopher Kirkpatrick, and Eric Millikin, â€Å"Detroit went on a binge starting around 2000 to close budget holes and to build infrastructure, more than doubling debt to $8 billion by 2012.† Detroit was borrowing money to build these infrastructures that are not capable of doing other things except to build cars; therefore, when other countries cars has found out other ways to make cheap cars and to sell their cars for a cheaper price, Detroit cannot lower their cars’ prices due to their loans for building the infrastructures. However, the Bay Area will not go bankrupt because it is not in debt. In contrast, the Bay Area is gaining a revenue, which the grand total revenue is $6670.6 millions in the year of 2013. In addition, the Bay Area is planning to gain a revenue of $276.92 billions in next twenty eight years (Plan Bay Area).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Five People You Meet in Heaven: the Impact of Relationships

Personal Goal: Attempt to tie every idea, topic, and commentary back to the prompt and the thesis. Make sure no deviations from the current main ideas exist and all ideas are directly relevant to surrounding sentences. Personal Goal: Attempt to tie every idea, topic, and commentary back to the prompt and the thesis. Make sure no deviations from the current main ideas exist and all ideas are directly relevant to surrounding sentences. Clayton Little Ms. Davis English 2 22 February 2013 Independent Reading ProjectThe Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom follows a man’s journey through heaven after dying at the age of 83 in a horrific theme park accident. The novel proposes that when one dies, one meets with the five people that most influenced, affected, or defined one, before moving on. The story is told partly through Eddie’s interactions with his five people and also through vivid snapshots of his life, both of which allow the reader to see changes in his char acter and the development of his identity as he journeys through life.The changes in Eddie’s character before and after his death and the musings the author instills in the reader exemplify the theme that what defines an individual the most are the people around them and their relationships with them. The novel begins at the end, right before Eddie dies in the accident. It is here the reader gets the first view of Eddie as an old man, weary of the world: â€Å"His plans never worked out.In time, he found himself graying and wearing looser pants and in a state of weary acceptance, that this was who he was and who he always would be, a man with sand in his shoes in a world of mechanical laughter and grilled frankfurters† (Albom 5). This initial introduction to Eddie delivers the reader with a vivid description of his weariness and resignation. Throughout this same first chapter, the author also interjects small stories of Eddies past, no more than a paragraph each: †Å"Another story went around about Eddie. As a soldier, he had engaged in combat numerous times. He’d been brave.Even won a medal. But toward the end of his service, he got into a fight with one of his own men. That’s how Eddie was wounded. No one knew what happened to the other guy. No one asked† (Albom 8). These short glimpses into Eddie’s past interspersed throughout his last moments make the reader wonder what the meaning of these stories are. The way the author uses short, clipped sentences and the repetition of the phrase â€Å"No one† evokes a tone of mystery, arousing the reader’s curiosity in Eddie’s past. What was Eddie like in his childhood, his adolescence, his adulthood? What made him into what he is now?These unanswered questions pester the reader like flies and builds the framework for future revelations about Eddie’s character. The first of these changes seen in Eddie’s character is when Eddie first awakes in heaven, finding himself 75 years in the past, on Ruby Pier, the place that has always been a constant setting throughout his life. He is at the beginning. It is here that Eddie meets his first person in heaven, the Blue Man, who explains the intricacies of the journey Eddie must travel and how he will meet five people in heaven, â€Å"Each of us was in your life for a reason.You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on Earth† (Albom 35). Eddie learns that his relationship with the strange man he barely knows was Eddie’s unintentional act that led to the Blue Man’s death. The knowledge that it was his irresponsibility that caused the death of the man sitting in front of him fills him with guilt and sorrow that ultimately deeply affects his identity and character, as seen in the two quotes, â€Å"‘You see? the Blue Man whispered, having finished the story from his point of view. ‘Litt le Boy? ’ Eddie felt a shiver. ‘Oh no,’ he whispered† (Albom 44), and, â€Å"‘Please, Mister†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Eddie pleaded. ‘I didn’t know. Believe me†¦God help me, I didn’t know’† (Albom 47). The shock and guilt Eddie feels is profoundly felt by the reader, through words with foreboding connotations like â€Å"whispered† and â€Å"shiver† and by the ellipses and commas between phrases, showing pauses in his speech as he attempts to absorb the impact of the new knowledge.The revelation that he had a hand in murdering another person strongly affects Eddie’s character, making him more paranoid and confrontational, as everything he knew about his life crumbles into a much less desirable image, a trait he holds for the rest of the book. The gruesome relationship between Eddie and his unintended victim affects Eddie’s behavior and attitude in a way that no setting, environment, or event ever could: â€Å"Eddie stepped back. He squared his body as if bracing for a fight†¦Eddie was skeptical. His fists stayed clenched† (Albom 47).The transformation from a weary old man too tired to care about much but the weather to a confrontational man willing to fight for the life he had once known is radical and sudden, and brought about merely through what many would consider a fleeting acquaintance with a man he barely knew. Yet, this apparently minor relationship had a major effect, clearly exemplifying the huge power of a relationship with another individual. The people Eddie meets in heaven do not all affect his character after death, such as the Blue Man, but rather let him and the reader reflect on Eddie’s fluctuating identity in the past.One of these such people was his father: â€Å"The damage done by Eddie’s father was, at the beginning, the damage of neglect† (Albom 104). Eddie was often neglected and abused physically as well as emotionall y by his father. This resulted in him always thirsting for approval or affection, two things he would only ever receive in small, taunting tastes from his father: â€Å"And on occasion, as if to feed the weakest embers of a fire, Eddie’s father let a wrinkle of pride crack the veneer of his disinterest† (Albom 106).This virtual torture of Eddie’s emotions as a child and for the rest of his life would forever scar him and breed a habit of coldness between Eddie and his father. The impact on Eddie’s character cut deep. The abusive relationship between him and his father made him into a man that was always searching for his place in the world, always feeling inadequate. Eddie was never content with his lot in life, not with his wife, job, or family: â€Å"He cursed his father for dying and trapping him in the very life he’d been trying to escape† (Albom 128).Of everything that defined Eddie, the relationship with his father was the most influen tial, a relationship that stemmed from less than opportune circumstances, yet yielded what is perhaps the core of Eddie’s character. After reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven, it becomes obvious to the reader that changes in an individual are direct results of relationships and connections between individuals. Many things can grow to define a person’s self: war, hunger, death, time.Yet none of these can compare with the soft words of a parent or the pleading of an enemy soldier on the battlefield or the trust held between friends. One realizes, as Eddie did, that every individual is just a strand in a web, a drop in a pool of water, and when one strand is plucked or the surface disturbed, the ripple is felt by those closest. Albom, Mitch. The Five People You Meet in Heaven. New York: Hyperion, 2003. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Ellis Island

ELLIS ISLAND Ellis Island has a long history, was needed, and was the "Gateway to America" from 1892 until it closed in 1954, when it began its slow decay. The island was called Gull Island by the Indians and Oyster Island by the Dutch. Later the English erected a gibbet or gallows on the island for hanging criminals and so the island became known as Gibbet Island. The Indians sold it to the Dutch East India Company for trinkets. The company later sold it to Mynheer Paauw who also bought land along the New Jersey coastline. Samuel Ellis, a colonial merchant bought the island and it became at last Ellis Island. After the Revolution, the island was sold to New York State and in 1811, Fort Gibson was built on it in preparation for the War of 1812. No fighting took place at Fort Gibson it was mainly a munitions storage fort. When immigrants began, pouring into New York City, New York State processed them at an old fort known as Castle Clinton on the Battery at the tip of Manhattan. When that facility became too small for the large number of immigrants arriving in the country, they chose Ellis Island as the new immigration center. After erecting new wooden buildings, it opened in 1892 but those buildings burned in 1897. New buildings were erected in 1900 and it reopened. Eventually the control of immigration was turned over to the Federal government. Ellis Island was the principal federal immigration station the â€Å"Gateway to America† in the United States from 1892 to 1954. More than 12 million immigrants were processed here. Over time, the immigration station spread over 3 connected islands with numerous structures including a hospital and contagious disease wards. It is estimated that over 40 percent of all citizens can trace their ancestry to those who came through Ellis Island. In its early years, when the greatest number of immigrants entered the country, Ellis Island mirrored the n... Free Essays on Ellis Island Free Essays on Ellis Island ELLIS ISLAND Ellis Island has a long history, was needed, and was the "Gateway to America" from 1892 until it closed in 1954, when it began its slow decay. The island was called Gull Island by the Indians and Oyster Island by the Dutch. Later the English erected a gibbet or gallows on the island for hanging criminals and so the island became known as Gibbet Island. The Indians sold it to the Dutch East India Company for trinkets. The company later sold it to Mynheer Paauw who also bought land along the New Jersey coastline. Samuel Ellis, a colonial merchant bought the island and it became at last Ellis Island. After the Revolution, the island was sold to New York State and in 1811, Fort Gibson was built on it in preparation for the War of 1812. No fighting took place at Fort Gibson it was mainly a munitions storage fort. When immigrants began, pouring into New York City, New York State processed them at an old fort known as Castle Clinton on the Battery at the tip of Manhattan. When that facility became too small for the large number of immigrants arriving in the country, they chose Ellis Island as the new immigration center. After erecting new wooden buildings, it opened in 1892 but those buildings burned in 1897. New buildings were erected in 1900 and it reopened. Eventually the control of immigration was turned over to the Federal government. Ellis Island was the principal federal immigration station the â€Å"Gateway to America† in the United States from 1892 to 1954. More than 12 million immigrants were processed here. Over time, the immigration station spread over 3 connected islands with numerous structures including a hospital and contagious disease wards. It is estimated that over 40 percent of all citizens can trace their ancestry to those who came through Ellis Island. In its early years, when the greatest number of immigrants entered the country, Ellis Island mirrored the n...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pacific Dogwood essays

Pacific Dogwood essays The pacififc dogwood is also known as the Western Flowering Dogwood or the Mountain Dogwood. The name "dogwood" is thought to be related to the early use of hardwood trees because the wood was considered skewers of "dags" and over time "dagwood" became "dogwood". Structure of the tree, leaf, stem, flower, fruit, and bark~ The Pacific Dogwood can get up to about 15 meters in height or it can appear as small as a shrub. It grows where many hardwood trees cannot because it is successful in carrying out photosynthesis under only 1/3 of full sunlight making it shade tolerant. The wood is fine grained, hard and heavy. It is also prone to splitting, so it has limited and specialized uses. The leaves are about 6-11 cm wide and 3-7 cm long. They are simple and deciduous. Their shape is elliptical to obvoate or almost round and the edges are slightly wavy with 5-6 mm long veins on each side of the midveins. The color is usually shiny green and nearly hairless above with paler woolly hairs beneath. In Autumn, their pigmentation turns red and orange. The stems are slender with a light green color that becomes dark red or blackish with age. Each one is bent to prevent overlap with other flowers. The flowers are about 6 mm wide and have 4 greenish-yellow petals. Each cluster of about 20 flowers is bordered by 4-7 bracts (4-6 cm long). They are very large, elliptical, white (or pinkish) and petal-like. These bracts protect the flower clusters and attract pollinators. They do this by not falling off until every flower in their cluster is pollinated, thus they bloom for quite some time. The bracts have a notch at the top as a result of one seen on the pruplish bud before it forms. In Autumn, purplish-brown bracts form over next springs flower buds that will bloom from April to June and sometimes again in September. The fruit is a dense cluster of elongated red to scarlet drupes about  ½ an inch long. Each fruit contai...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cuál es diferencia entre universidad y college en EEUU

Cul es diferencia entre universidad y college en EEUU Una de las primeras preguntas que se hacen los estudiantes internacionales o los migrantes recià ©n llegados y que quieren estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos  es cul es la diferencia entre una universidad y un college. La respuesta es que es muy pequeà ±a, pero la hay. En muchas ocasiones, incluso los estadounidenses utilizan los tà ©rminos de universidad y de college como si fueran lo mismo, ya que la diferencia es pequeà ±a y se explica a continuacià ³n. Quiz para los estudiantes recià ©n llegados o que planean estudiar en Estados Unidos es ms importante saber quà © es un community college y quà © son carreras profesionales en Estados Unidos. Quà © se entiende por un college en Estados Unidos Es una institucià ³n educativa superior, generalmente dedicada casi exclusivamente  a estudios de licenciatura. Los estudiantes tras completar crà ©ditos generalmente en cuatro aà ±os reciben su licenciatura en B.A. (Bachelors of Arts) o en un B.S. (Bachelors of Science). Quà © son los liberal arts colleges en Estados Unidos Un tipo especial dentro de los colleges es el  conocido como liberal arts colleges. Son instituciones privadas con pocos estudiantes, generalmente menos de cinco mil, e incluso menos. Se caracterizan porque la mayorà ­a de sus estudiantes estudian a tiempo completo materias relacionadas con las artes liberales, como inglà ©s, literatura, sociologà ­a, historia, etc. Adems, la mayorà ­a de los profesores se dedican casi en exclusividad a la enseà ±anza y no tanto a la investigacià ³n y a la publicacià ³n de sus trabajos. Los liberal arts colleges, tambià ©n conocidos como baccalaureate colleges, son famosos por tener una fuerte vida comunitaria. En la actualidad, segà ºn un ranking elaborado por la prestigiosa revista U.S. News and World Report, los cinco mejores liberal arts colleges de los Estados Unidos son los siguientes: Williams College, MassachusettsAmherst College, MassachusettsBowdoin College, MaineSwarthmore College, PensilvaniaEl exclusivamente femenino Wellesley College, Massachusetts, y Middlebury College, Vermont, empatados en quinta posicià ³n. Las posiciones suelen variar poco de aà ±o a aà ±o. Todos los liberal arts colleges incluidos en la lista cobran matrà ­culas superiores a los $50.000 por semestre y tienen, en total, menos de 2.000 estudiantes. A quà © se le llaman universidad en Estados Unidos Es una institucià ³n educativa superior donde se ofrecen estudios de licenciatura –B.A y B.S.–, maestrà ­as, doctorados –Ph.D.–, adems de estudios profesionales. Pueden ser gigantescas y pà ºblicas o privadas. Como entre los estudiantes internacionales de origen latinoamericano es frecuente estudiar ingenierà ­a es recomienda conocer cules son  10 mejores universidades.   Para los estudiantes brillantes, tanto de Estados Unidos como extranjeros, se recomienda solicitar ingreso en al menos una universidad  Ivy League, si bien tener siempre en cuenta que hay universidades muy prestigiosas y de excelente nivel acadà ©mico que no estn incluidas en esta calificacià ³n, que tiene un origen histà ³rico concreto. Entre las universidades de excelente consideracià ³n econà ³mica y que no son Ivy League destacan: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)Stanford UniversityCarnegie MellonUniversity of California, BerkeleyUniversity of Texas, AustinGeorgia Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Illinois, Urbana ChampaignUniversity of Michigan, Ann ArborUniversity of ChicagoDukeJohns Hopkins Algunas de ellas, como por ejemplo Berkeley, Austin Urbana Champaign y Ann Arbor son universidades pà ºblicas. Quà © es un community college o colegio comunitario Son instituciones de educacià ³n superior tambià ©n conocidos como junior o technical colleges. Los estudiantes se dedican a obtener certificados o diplomas profesionales o, al cabo de crà ©ditos que generalmente se consiguen en dos aà ±os, a obtener un grado de asociado (Associate ´s degree o A.S. por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Es muy comà ºn que despuà ©s de sacar un A.S. los estudiantes realicen  un transfer a un college y, tras otros dos aà ±os de estudios, se licencien con un B.A. o un B.S. Sin embargo, no todos los colleges y universidades admiten esta posibilidad. Los community colleges ofrecen grandes ventajas tanto para estudiantes americanos o inmigrantes como para los internacionales. Uno de los que ms destaca es el costo. En esta base de datos puede  verificarse  cunto cuesta estudiar en  ms de 1,000 Community Colleges  en todo el paà ­s y tambià ©n puntuacià ³n del TOEFL, los que lo piden ya que en muchos no es requisito. Quà © son los professional colleges En Estados Unidos carreras como Derecho o Medicina se estudian en universidades profesionales despuà ©s de haber obtenido un B.A. o un B.S. Es decir, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en la mayorà ­a de nuestros paà ­ses no son una licenciatura que se puede estudiar directamente al finalizar la high school (lo que se conoce en algunos paà ­ses hispanoparlantes como bachillerato, liceo o prepa). Sino que es necesario licenciarse y luego aplicar y ser admitido en un professional college. Es muy importante planificar con tiempo, incluso con varios aà ±os de anticipacià ³n, principalmente cuando se desea solicitar el ingreso a Medicina, ya que es un proceso largo y complicado. Tips para los futuros estudiantes universitarios Aplicar para ingresar a una universidad o college es un proceso complejo y largo. Estas son las ocho piezas necesarias para tener una aplicacià ³n completa. Para los estudiantes no habituados al sistema anglosajà ³n, esos requisitos pueden resultar confusos y puede dar lugar a que por ignorancia no se preparen convenientemente. Consejos para estudiantes internacionales en colleges y universidades de EE.UU. Los estudiantes internacionales necesitan una visa para poder estudiar en EEUU. Para obtenerla se requiere que previamente hayan sido admitidos por una institucià ³n acadà ©mica. Para ello necesitarn haber demostrado conocimientos de inglà ©s, generalmente tomando el examen que se conoce como TOEFL y obtener un buen puntaje.   Obviamente, dentro de esas categorà ­as no se encuentran ni los migrantes que cuentan con una tarjeta de residencia permanente ni tampoco los inmigrantes indocumentados. En cuanto a las visas, informarse sobre la visa F-3 para el caso de mexicanos  o canadienses que viven en la zona fronteriza e ingresar a Estados Unidos a estudiar pero mantienen su residencia en Mà ©xico o Canad. Asimismo, para obtener una visa de estudiante internacional es neceario  probar que tienen recursos econà ³micos suficientes, bien propios o de los padres o bien porque han obtenido una beca relevante. Tener presente que las universidades tambià ©n destinan dinero a becas de mà ©rito o deportivas. De hecho, 13 de à ©lite siguen la polà ­tica de need-blind tambià ©n para estudiantes internacionales lo que significa becas totales (o casi). Por à ºltimo, dentro del largo proceso que supone aplicar a varias universidades o colleges, ser admitido y solicitar la visa, es posible que se necesite  validar los estudios realizados  fuera de Estados Unidos. Es fundamental seguir las instrucciones de cada institucià ³n acadà ©mica sobre quà © empresa puede hacer la convalidacià ³n. Otras visas disponibles para los estudiantes internacionales En ocasiones, lo à ºnico que se desea es practicar el inglà ©s y pasar unos meses en Estados Unidos o se desea estudiar un aà ±o acadà ©mico de high school. Para estos casos, adems de las visas F-1 puede resultar conveniente informarse sobre los programas incluidos dentro de la visa J-1 de intercambio, ya que  pueden ser una muy buena opcià ³n, por ejemplo: Visas para trabajar y viajar en verano para estudiantes universitarios de otros paà ­ses.Visas para monitor en campamentos de verano. Las opciones son variadas y tanto si se opta por una visa J-1 como por una F-1 de estudiante lo ideal es que se adapte a las necesidades y deseos del estudiante. Conservar la visa como estudiante internacional Una vez que se tiene la visa se debe hacer todo lo posible para evitar caer en comportamientos que pueden ponerla en riesgo de cancelacià ³n. Algunas actividades, como el consumo de marihuana, puede no ser visto como algo grave por los estudiantes, pero lo cierto es que desde el punto de vista migratorio puede ocasionar un gran dolor de cabeza. Tener en cuenta que hay estados en los que es legal el consumo de marihuana, sin embargo, las leyes federales la consideran una sustancia prohibida. Las leyes que aplican a los estudiantes internacionales son las federales por lo que deberà ­an abstenerse de incumplir la ley. Finalmente, a la hora de tener relaciones consentidas con un menor de edad hay que tener en cuenta las leyes de edad de consentimiento sexual en cada estado ya que su incumplimiento puede tener consecuencias serias. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How educational institution affect the impact you have on our Essay

How educational institution affect the impact you have on our society(for urban sociology) - Essay Example Education results in evolution of a human beings as education adds to society and society can be seen as a mechanism which enables humanity to adapt to its environment, to survive and to reproduce (Parsons: 1959). Urban sociology explains two functions of modern educational systems which are socialization and selection. In socialization the process of passing skills on to the coming new generations is conceptualized which allows individuals to fulfill tasks in an occupation and as a citizen. The allocation of students to occupational positions matching their abilities and interests is served by selection. The structure of the school class is ideally suitable for fulfilling these tasks by modeling the process of qualification and modification. This is proved by comparing the social structure of the family and the school and also by elucidating the corresponding norms and values. In a family each member occupies a unique status thus a family represents a particularistic institution whe reas school is seen as a universalistic social system where students are treated equally and all the differences if present are due to the universalistic norms of achievement. This equality has to be established in the educational institutions so that the purpose for which the educational institutions are meant could be fulfilled in the real sense. ... The effects of differences between financial statuses of students studying at the same place and in the same environment are far deeper than the other scenario i.e. the case of difference in schools and systems. It is a common observation that in a school where fees are high and education is more expensive, some students manage to get into them on the basis of certain scholarships, outreach and fellowship programs. In such cases the scholarship money covers the educational expenditure of the students i.e. books and academic fees, but when it comes to extra-curricular activities and the way of living a difference is always present between the rich and poor. This difference also arises when a co-curricular activity require extra funds. Such differences have very adverse effects on the society. As the educational systems serve as the medium for formulating the mindset of individuals and developing the personality, differences based on financial status have very deep impacts on the socia l structure as a whole. The most important effect which needs special consideration is the sense of being ignored. In such scenarios the developments of negative sentiments for a certain class of a society develops which ultimately results in social divide and sometimes can be as detrimental as turning of an individual into a terrorist. Considering the split between official ideologies of achievement based on upward mobility and actual rules for social reproduction, the students with the correct cultural habits and who also belong to the families with strong financial backgrounds have greater opportunities. This privileged position is sometimes reproduced via school system. This results in the absence of the real process of development and achievement based on social

Friday, October 18, 2019

Construction and management of a global macro fund Essay

Construction and management of a global macro fund - Essay Example The market fluctuations affect returns on investments and make investors lack confidence on investments. Therefore, a well maintained portfolio is vital to every investor aiming to succeed and at the same time manage risks. As an investor, you need to know how to allocate assets that suits personal goals and strategies. This means that the selected portfolio should be in a position of meeting your future capital needs. Every investor’s goal is to maximize wealth; therefore this report focuses on construction and management of portfolio for a mutual fund. The portfolio to be constructed should be the one with high returns and well diversified Portfolio analysis studies the performance of different portfolios under different circumstances (Angus, 2000). Portfolios can be grouped according to industries, countries or sector. Each group consists of sub-unit. For example, the financial sector can be made up of several banks or the Airline industry can be made up of several airline companies. The analysis of each portfolio helps an investor in making a decision when investing. Most likely, a rational investor will choose the best portfolio and screen out the ones that are not essential based on objective criteria. A good portfolio is characterized by high returns on investment. Portfolio analysis requires subjective judgment as it is not easy to segment different industries. Portfolio analysis is a process as different financial instruments have to be evaluated one by one. The process is time consuming and involves a lot of effort. In spite of these odds, Markowitz the fonder of modern portfolio analysis has simplified the process by suggesting the use of expected return and variance. In this report, we will discuss four steps of constructing a portfolio. Customers have different preferences and needs. Therefore, it is important to understand their expectations first. This entails ascertaining their financial

GDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

GDP - Essay Example Firstly, it fails to include harmful side effects in its calculations. For instance, economic â€Å"bads† like pollution are excluded in GDP statistics. This, therefore, implies that GDP fails to take into account the social well-being of individuals as it ignores activities that affect people’s living standards. Secondly, GDP fails to take into account leisure or human costs as well as the revenue that is generated during such times. Additionally, no consideration is given to how hard individual work to produce output (Mankiw, 2012). The GDP measure also fails to take into accounts things such as love, volunteering, vibrant and supportive community and friendships even though they contribute to social well-being of individuals. Finally, GDP statistics does not take into account underground economy. These are cash transactions that occur outside of recorded marketplaces, and they can be both legal and illegal. Legal ones are undertaken to avoid taxes while illegal ones include trafficking in illegal drugs (Baumol & Blinder, 2011).   Yes, economic growth and productivity can align to Saint Leos Core Values. For instance, a country needs to put in place some policies in order to achieve high economic growth. First, the citizens need to be responsible stewards. They need to use the resources they are endowed with efficiently, effectively and economically. By putting the little resources they may be endowed with to maximum use, they will ensure that there are little or no wastages at all. Secondly, the country’s leadership should be of high integrity. This will ensure that the country excels economically and lives its goals by being consistent in economic performance. Finally, an increase in GDP indicates an economic growth that in turn results in a collective growth in well-being. Leaders should strive to create a socially responsible environment that is able to challenge every

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategic Response to Climate Change by Global Companies Essay

Strategic Response to Climate Change by Global Companies - Essay Example It will clearly show what the future holds for these companies as well as their sustainability. The study will use qualitative and inducive methods of investigation to capture these characteristics. Apart from the operations managers in the three companies, information from the people in the UK is also going to be of great help. It also purposes to prove that the three companies invest considerable amount of resources on ecology, they have strategic climate change policies, and that they promote climate change awareness among employees as well as other stakeholders. It also aims to show how climate change affects the internal organization of the companies, and the business itself. It will also prove that the companies are working towards carbon dioxide emission reduction, by using various policies. It will also show how climate change affects the nature of their emerging products, and how they involve third parties in the climate change awareness. The study also seeks to propose stud ies in other industries and on stragies organizations in third world countries are employing in combating climate change. TÐ BLЕ OF CONTЕNTS ABSTRACT 1. CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Outline of the study 1.2 Background of the research 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Rationale 1.5 Aims and Objectives 1.6 Significance 1.7 Research Questions 1.8 Research Methodology 1.9 Dissertation structure 2. CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 CorporÐ °tÐ µ RÐ µsponsÐ µs to ClÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ ChÐ °ngÐ µ: ExÃ'â€"stÃ'â€"ng ClÐ °ssÃ'â€"fÃ'â€"cÐ °tÃ'â€"ons 2.3 EmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"on MÐ µÃ °surÐ µmÐ µnt Ð °nd TÐ °rgÐ µts 2.4 The Banking Sector 2.5 The Oil industry 2.6 Construction Companies and the Real Estate Sector 2.7 Automobile Industry 2.8... NÐ °turÐ µ Ð °nd clÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ hÐ °vÐ µ Ð ° bÃ'â€"g rolÐ µ to plÐ °y Ã'â€"n thÐ µ Ð µxÃ'â€"stÐ µncÐ µ of mÐ °n kÃ'â€"nd. But wÃ'â€"th thÐ µ Ð °dvÐ µnt of Ã'â€"ndustrÃ'â€"Ð °lÃ'â€"sÐ °tÃ'â€"on, thÐ µ fÐ °tÐ µs of thÐ µsÐ µ forcÐ µs hÐ °vÐ µ chÐ °ngÐ µd. ThÐ µ Ã'â€"ndustrÃ'â€"Ð µs hÐ °vÐ µ usÐ µd nÐ °turÐ µ for thÐ µÃ'â€"r motÃ'â€"vÐ µ of profÃ'â€"t Ð °nd Ð µxploÃ'â€"tÐ µd Ã'â€"t wÃ'â€"thout Ð °ny concÐ µrn for Ð ° lÐ °rgÐ µ numbÐ µr of yÐ µÃ °rs. But thÐ µ tÃ'â€"mÐ µ hÐ °s chÐ °ngÐ µd Ð °nd thÐ µrÐ µ hÐ °vÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn cÃ'â€"rcumstÐ °ncÐ µs of nÐ °turÐ °l cÐ °lÐ °mÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µs Ð °nd Ð ° rÐ °pÃ'â€"d chÐ °ngÐ µ Ã'â€"n thÐ µ clÃ'â€"mÐ °tÃ'â€"c condÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ons Ã'â€"n vÐ °rÃ'â€"ous rÐ µgÃ'â€"ons. It hÐ °s sÐ µnt thÐ µ compÐ °nÃ'â€"Ð µs on Ð ° bÐ °ck foot Ð °nd undÐ µr prÐ µssurÐ µ from vÐ °rÃ'â€"ous communÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µs Ð °nd Ã'â€"ntÐ µrÐ µst groups; thÐ µy no morÐ µ cÐ °n Ð µxploÃ'â€" t thÐ µ nÐ °turÐ µ Ð °t thÐ µÃ'â€"r wÃ'â€"ll Ã'â€"n ordÐ µr to sÐ °tÃ'â€"sfy thÐ µÃ'â€"r profÃ'â€"t motÃ'â€"vÐ µs. ThÐ µ compÐ °nÃ'â€"Ð µs of todÐ °y hÐ °vÐ µ bÐ µcomÐ µ much morÐ µ conscÃ'â€"ous Ã'â€"n thÐ µÃ'â€"r opÐ µrÐ °tÃ'â€"ons. (HoffmÐ °n, 1997, p.143)1.2 BÐ °ckground of thÐ µ rÐ µsÐ µÃ °rchOvÐ µr thÐ µ pÐ °st tÐ µn yÐ µÃ °rs, clÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ chÐ °ngÐ µ hÐ °s mÐ °dÐ µ hÐ µÃ °dwÐ °y Ð °s Ð ° globÐ °l Ã'â€"ssuÐ µ, prÐ µmÃ'â€"Ð µr to thÐ µ Ð µmÐ µrgÐ µncÐ µ of nÐ µw Ã'â€"nstÃ'â€"tutÃ'â€"ons to hold bÐ °ck grÐ µÃ µnhousÐ µ gÐ °s (GHG) Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons. SÃ'â€"ncÐ µ thÐ µ Ð °doptÃ'â€"on of thÐ µ Kyoto Protocol Ã'â€"n 1997 Ð °nd thÐ µ lÐ °tÐ µr dÃ'â€"scussÃ'â€"ons on thÐ µ spÐ µcÃ'â€"fÃ'â€"cÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µs Ã'â€"n pÐ µrÃ'â€"ods of Ã'â€"mplÐ µmÐ µntÐ °tÃ'â€"on, Ð µspÐ µcÃ'â€"Ð °lly Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons dÐ µÃ °lÃ'â€"ng hÐ °s profÃ'â€"tÐ µd ground Ð °s Ð ° lÐ µgÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ wÐ °y to dÐ µÃ  °l wÃ'â€"th thÃ'â€"s Ð µnvÃ'â€"ronmÐ µntÐ °l Ã'â€"ssuÐ µ. EmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons trÐ °dÃ'â€"ng Ð °llow countrÃ'â€"Ð µs whÃ'â€"ch drop undÐ µr thÐ µ Kyoto Protocol to dÐ µcrÐ µÃ °sÐ µ thÐ µÃ'â€"r GHG Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons by swÐ °ppÃ'â€"ng pÐ °rt of thÃ'â€"s rÐ µsponsÃ'â€"bÃ'â€"lÃ'â€"ty wÃ'â€"th Ð °nothÐ µr pÐ °rty to thÐ µ Protocol. HowÐ µvÐ µr, thÐ µ Ã'â€"mplÐ µmÐ µntÐ °tÃ'â€"on of thÃ'â€"s Ã'â€"ntÐ µrgovÐ µrnmÐ µntÐ °l Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons dÐ µÃ °lÃ'â€"ng rÐ µgÃ'â€"mÐ µ on Ð ° busÃ'â€"nÐ µss grÐ °dÐ µ hÐ °s glÃ'â€"mpsÐ µd lÐ °rgÐ µ dÃ'â€"vÐ µrsÃ'â€"ty worldwÃ'â€"dÐ µ

International Quality Management System - Practice exam Coursework

International Quality Management System - Practice exam - Coursework Example Delivering quality products and services also help in building a reputation for business, which influences the achievement of competitive advantage (Goetsch & Davis, 2013). In many cases, businesses seek to achieve accreditation from the international body that recognizes quality standards. The body gives ISO certification to businesses that meet the international quality standards, which helps in building a company’s brand and reputation. Quality is not achievable unless created, meaning that the products and services being able to achieve quality standards cannot happen by accident. The achievement of quality is a process because quality helps in the creation of value for both customers and the business. Based on this understanding, businesses have shifted from only achieving quality, but improving on this process by applying total quality management. Total quality management is a process that focuses on increasing a company’s competitive level through the constant improvement of its functions. Functions in this case include services, business processes, employees, products, and the business environment (p. 4). Total quality management also focuses on the continuously attaining customer satisfaction at the lowest costs. Quality can be achieved by improving a business’ operation characteristics, making the products be durable, reliable and the features of the product. Juran defined quality as ‘fitness for use’ and was of the belief that money was the language that is mainly used in management. Juran developed the Juran’s trilogy that had quality improvement, quality control and quality planning as the three main elements. In quality planning, Juran intimated that it is important for a business to identify its customers and their needs before embarking on the process of delivering quality (p. 10). Once these elements have been identified, a business can be able to develop products and services that can meet the needs of the customers. For this

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategic Response to Climate Change by Global Companies Essay

Strategic Response to Climate Change by Global Companies - Essay Example It will clearly show what the future holds for these companies as well as their sustainability. The study will use qualitative and inducive methods of investigation to capture these characteristics. Apart from the operations managers in the three companies, information from the people in the UK is also going to be of great help. It also purposes to prove that the three companies invest considerable amount of resources on ecology, they have strategic climate change policies, and that they promote climate change awareness among employees as well as other stakeholders. It also aims to show how climate change affects the internal organization of the companies, and the business itself. It will also prove that the companies are working towards carbon dioxide emission reduction, by using various policies. It will also show how climate change affects the nature of their emerging products, and how they involve third parties in the climate change awareness. The study also seeks to propose stud ies in other industries and on stragies organizations in third world countries are employing in combating climate change. TÐ BLЕ OF CONTЕNTS ABSTRACT 1. CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Outline of the study 1.2 Background of the research 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Rationale 1.5 Aims and Objectives 1.6 Significance 1.7 Research Questions 1.8 Research Methodology 1.9 Dissertation structure 2. CHAPTER 2 - LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 CorporÐ °tÐ µ RÐ µsponsÐ µs to ClÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ ChÐ °ngÐ µ: ExÃ'â€"stÃ'â€"ng ClÐ °ssÃ'â€"fÃ'â€"cÐ °tÃ'â€"ons 2.3 EmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"on MÐ µÃ °surÐ µmÐ µnt Ð °nd TÐ °rgÐ µts 2.4 The Banking Sector 2.5 The Oil industry 2.6 Construction Companies and the Real Estate Sector 2.7 Automobile Industry 2.8... NÐ °turÐ µ Ð °nd clÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ hÐ °vÐ µ Ð ° bÃ'â€"g rolÐ µ to plÐ °y Ã'â€"n thÐ µ Ð µxÃ'â€"stÐ µncÐ µ of mÐ °n kÃ'â€"nd. But wÃ'â€"th thÐ µ Ð °dvÐ µnt of Ã'â€"ndustrÃ'â€"Ð °lÃ'â€"sÐ °tÃ'â€"on, thÐ µ fÐ °tÐ µs of thÐ µsÐ µ forcÐ µs hÐ °vÐ µ chÐ °ngÐ µd. ThÐ µ Ã'â€"ndustrÃ'â€"Ð µs hÐ °vÐ µ usÐ µd nÐ °turÐ µ for thÐ µÃ'â€"r motÃ'â€"vÐ µ of profÃ'â€"t Ð °nd Ð µxploÃ'â€"tÐ µd Ã'â€"t wÃ'â€"thout Ð °ny concÐ µrn for Ð ° lÐ °rgÐ µ numbÐ µr of yÐ µÃ °rs. But thÐ µ tÃ'â€"mÐ µ hÐ °s chÐ °ngÐ µd Ð °nd thÐ µrÐ µ hÐ °vÐ µ bÐ µÃ µn cÃ'â€"rcumstÐ °ncÐ µs of nÐ °turÐ °l cÐ °lÐ °mÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µs Ð °nd Ð ° rÐ °pÃ'â€"d chÐ °ngÐ µ Ã'â€"n thÐ µ clÃ'â€"mÐ °tÃ'â€"c condÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ons Ã'â€"n vÐ °rÃ'â€"ous rÐ µgÃ'â€"ons. It hÐ °s sÐ µnt thÐ µ compÐ °nÃ'â€"Ð µs on Ð ° bÐ °ck foot Ð °nd undÐ µr prÐ µssurÐ µ from vÐ °rÃ'â€"ous communÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µs Ð °nd Ã'â€"ntÐ µrÐ µst groups; thÐ µy no morÐ µ cÐ °n Ð µxploÃ'â€" t thÐ µ nÐ °turÐ µ Ð °t thÐ µÃ'â€"r wÃ'â€"ll Ã'â€"n ordÐ µr to sÐ °tÃ'â€"sfy thÐ µÃ'â€"r profÃ'â€"t motÃ'â€"vÐ µs. ThÐ µ compÐ °nÃ'â€"Ð µs of todÐ °y hÐ °vÐ µ bÐ µcomÐ µ much morÐ µ conscÃ'â€"ous Ã'â€"n thÐ µÃ'â€"r opÐ µrÐ °tÃ'â€"ons. (HoffmÐ °n, 1997, p.143)1.2 BÐ °ckground of thÐ µ rÐ µsÐ µÃ °rchOvÐ µr thÐ µ pÐ °st tÐ µn yÐ µÃ °rs, clÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ chÐ °ngÐ µ hÐ °s mÐ °dÐ µ hÐ µÃ °dwÐ °y Ð °s Ð ° globÐ °l Ã'â€"ssuÐ µ, prÐ µmÃ'â€"Ð µr to thÐ µ Ð µmÐ µrgÐ µncÐ µ of nÐ µw Ã'â€"nstÃ'â€"tutÃ'â€"ons to hold bÐ °ck grÐ µÃ µnhousÐ µ gÐ °s (GHG) Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons. SÃ'â€"ncÐ µ thÐ µ Ð °doptÃ'â€"on of thÐ µ Kyoto Protocol Ã'â€"n 1997 Ð °nd thÐ µ lÐ °tÐ µr dÃ'â€"scussÃ'â€"ons on thÐ µ spÐ µcÃ'â€"fÃ'â€"cÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µs Ã'â€"n pÐ µrÃ'â€"ods of Ã'â€"mplÐ µmÐ µntÐ °tÃ'â€"on, Ð µspÐ µcÃ'â€"Ð °lly Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons dÐ µÃ °lÃ'â€"ng hÐ °s profÃ'â€"tÐ µd ground Ð °s Ð ° lÐ µgÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"mÐ °tÐ µ wÐ °y to dÐ µÃ  °l wÃ'â€"th thÃ'â€"s Ð µnvÃ'â€"ronmÐ µntÐ °l Ã'â€"ssuÐ µ. EmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons trÐ °dÃ'â€"ng Ð °llow countrÃ'â€"Ð µs whÃ'â€"ch drop undÐ µr thÐ µ Kyoto Protocol to dÐ µcrÐ µÃ °sÐ µ thÐ µÃ'â€"r GHG Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons by swÐ °ppÃ'â€"ng pÐ °rt of thÃ'â€"s rÐ µsponsÃ'â€"bÃ'â€"lÃ'â€"ty wÃ'â€"th Ð °nothÐ µr pÐ °rty to thÐ µ Protocol. HowÐ µvÐ µr, thÐ µ Ã'â€"mplÐ µmÐ µntÐ °tÃ'â€"on of thÃ'â€"s Ã'â€"ntÐ µrgovÐ µrnmÐ µntÐ °l Ð µmÃ'â€"ssÃ'â€"ons dÐ µÃ °lÃ'â€"ng rÐ µgÃ'â€"mÐ µ on Ð ° busÃ'â€"nÐ µss grÐ °dÐ µ hÐ °s glÃ'â€"mpsÐ µd lÐ °rgÐ µ dÃ'â€"vÐ µrsÃ'â€"ty worldwÃ'â€"dÐ µ

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mapp v. Ohio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mapp v. Ohio - Research Paper Example In 1957, it was believed by the Cleveland Police Department that Dollree Mapp and her daughter were hiding a wanted suspected bombing fugitive at their home. Upon demanding entrance into her home, Mapp was advised by her attorney to deny them entrance as they did not possess the proper search papers. As time passed, more officers arrived at her home, still demanding entrance. Tired of being denied, they forced a door open and made their way into Mapp’s house. Immediately, Mapp required them to show proof that they had the authority to enter her house at all; in response, the officers procured a warrant, which turned out to be just a piece of paper completely unrelated to a search warrant. Although Mapp was able to grab the â€Å"warrant†, it was pulled from her later, and when confronted in court, the police were unable to show proof that the document had been real. As the officers searched the house for the bombing suspect, they find a trunk in Mapp’s basement that contains a variety of â€Å"lewd and lascivious (Cohen, 2009)† books and photographs. Even though Mapp claimed that the trunk was being held for a friend, police still arrested her, as the possession of these materials were against Ohio law. However, despite what police found, there was never any hint of a fugitive or any wanted person in the house. All the same, Mapp was convicted by the Court of Common Pleas based on the material that had been found in her home. When Mapp tried to appeal to the Ohio Court of Appeals, she was again to be found in the wrong. She took her case to the Supreme Court of Ohio, where her attorney fought that Mapp has no reason to have been brought to trial as the evidence in question was obtained as the result of an illegal search that had been accomplished without the use of a warrant. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled against Mapp, claiming that the items from the trunk had been taken from an inanimate object and not a human being, allowing the

Competitive Advantage by Human Resource Management Essay Example for Free

Competitive Advantage by Human Resource Management Essay In todays climate of global competition, the source of motivation variessome are driven by money, some by a yearning to build relationships (Hollyforde et al, 2002). Yet, with the development of technology and global competition, new ways of working -these changes have had significant implications for the majority of the full-time workforce within the industrialized world, there are some issues, such as leadership, teamwork, empowerment etc, which are vitally important and need to be managed carefully, each of these concepts merits deeper analysis as we enter the 21st Century. Therefore, it is important to explore how contemporary human resource management (HRM) develops to highly skilled, loyalty employees and affect organisations performance, thus resulting in significant competitive advantages. This assignment will discuss and present some arguments regarding this statement from the following two areas: How contemporary HRM affects organisations performance based on the cases of Xerox and Microsoft, and recommendations for organisations how to gain competitive advantages through implementation of good HRM for a better 21st Century.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nestle International Business Management

Nestle International Business Management The rapidity of global assimilation has been dramatically changed in recent years. Rapid and improved changes in the communications, technology and transportation have provided the process a new momentum and have made the planet more co-dependent than ever (Global Policy Forum, 2010). The multinational organizations manufacture their products in a number of countries and sell to the consumers around the globe (Global Policy Forum, 2010). Raw materials, Money, technology and human resources have started moving across nations more swiftly than ever. Along with that the products, finances, cultures and ideas circulate more easily (Global Policy Forum, 2010). As a consequence, the legal, social and economics movements have been forming in International level. It is the time to have globalization in every aspect; globalization of economics, globalization of culture and legal environment (Global Policy Forum, 2010). Nestle is one of the most respected brand name in the global food and beverage industry. The company promotes its products in around 130 nations across the globe (Nestle, n.d.). Some of its well known global brands include Maggi, Nestea, Nescafe, Friskies and Nestle. Apart from its own products the company owns around 52% of shares of Alcon Inc and about 30 % of the cosmetic giant, LOreal (Hoovers, 2010). Such diverse range of products makes it a leading brand not only in the world of food and beverages but attempts to elevate it to greater heights. This part of the report has been based on the tactical theories, written by renowned authors on international strategy. Competitive advantage emerged from the differentiation among different firms in any of the attributes as well as the characteristics. These attributes and characteristics are supposed to let one firm to create customer value and do something analogous better than its competitors. The common sources of competitive advantages include possession of better assets, access to well organized distribution and supply networks and better talent pool, productive operations (Tallberg, Adhikari Helsinki, 2007). Firms, which have decided to enter into the foreign markets, have to face a challenge while deciding on the right entry mode to enter into the market. This is a quite influential decision as it may have a continual impact on the firms global business performance. Two major modes which have been considered more often is the export of products and services and through the usage of foreign direct investment. Firms, adopting the very first one, try to make their existence in foreign markets by exporting to those regions. After having knowledge to that country they go for having their own operation facilities in those regions. Firms using the second one use the foreign direct investments to make their existence in foreign markets (Chung Enderwick, 2001). Competitive Advantage Nestle has described themselves as the food, health and wellness company. The Nestle Nutrition was established with the purpose of strengthening their focal point, i.e. their core nutrition business. Attaining leadership in this market is one of the primary aims in their well defined corporate strategy. Modern day consumers are more influenced by the claims that the company make regarding the nutritional contents of their products and the customer while making his purchase decision makes it his primary motivation. The establishment of Nestle nutrition as an independent business unit was with the aim to reinforce their competitive advantage in this area. The unit was given the responsibility of looking after its operations in the business of health care nutrition, infant nutrition and performance nutrition. The aim was to confirm a superior performance by providing products which are enriched with consumer trusted and scientifically approved nutritional components. The corporate wellness unit has been responsible to integrate nutritional value in their food and beverages worldwide. Its responsibility includes coordination of horizontal as well as cross functional activities that properly address existing customer concerns and at the same time anticipate consumer trends in future. In simple terms the unit is meant for aligning the research and development expertise of Nestle with customer benefits. The research and development division is one of its strong footholds, because of which the company has been able to make its presence felt in the global market. It has its well-built innovation heritage with a comprehensible visualization of the future (Bauer, n.d.). The resources required to build up their business are readily available. Nestle has got access to a pool of experienced suppliers who are aligned with Nestlà ©s assurance for innovation and excellence. Quality is surely one of the competitive advantages that Nestle has. Better quality products and services at reasonable prices is what Nestle strives for. From the above, it is apparent that the company operates on product differentiation with preference being given to better quality. The suppliers, employees, processes, business units and the research and development divisions have all contributed to make this happen. It can be deduced that Nestle has achieved its market leadership on the base of its cost effectiveness and innovation. Nestle has a well built economies of scale which helped it to attain low cost of reduction. Another important factor which contributes to the success of Nestle is their knowledge about the consumers in the market. To meet the varied customer needs Nestle prefers to blend their product mix with that of their local ingredients. Nestle has a well established transportation system for its distribution network. This helps the company to transport products in bulk to different factory outlets. Infrastructural development is another major concern of Nestle. (FAO, n.d.). Nestlà © has shown such an example in China. In China they had developed roads to carry out their distribution process smoothly. Mentioned above are some of the factors which have collectively assisted the company to excel in innovation and customer services. Foreign market entry strategy As the markets are getting more competitive as well as more flat, it is very much apparent that Nestle would be looking towards other new markets from the growth perspective. Successful implementation of strategies for market development requires more flexibility, ability to adapt to an unforeseen market conditions and the vision to achieve long term goals. Nestle has been relied on the foreign direct investment for entering into different foreign markets (Rao Murthy, 1999). Nestle, being the first mover, tries to enter the emerging markets in an early stage. Nestle is not generally inclined to go through the expensive process of setting up its brand name in the prospective markets; rather the company prefers to acquire local companies which are known in the indigenous market. This actually helps Nestle to overcome the cultural hurdles and consumer resentment to the foreign brands. Nestle first used this policy to start its business with the basic consumer needs like infant food; an d after that they expanded their business in the upscale market segments of chocolate , soft drinks, instant food and beverage items as per customer needs. The strategy is quite simple but strong. The strategy is to start from a basics and then only move to the more niches with the rise in demand. Sometimes they connect their expansion plan with other brands as per the rising income of the population present there. The company provides some 8500 product brands; but only around 750 are registered in multiple nations and only about 80 are registered in over ten distinct countries (Nestle, n.d.). Nestle uses this approach as it is easier to reach the consumers with local brand names because of their attachment to these local names. Consequently the marketing becomes easier in such a situation as the local company has its own distribution channel, reputation and its own customer base. With due course of time, Nestle starts the marketing of its own products. In such a situation Nestle ca n very well concentrate on enhancement of the product line as well as process innovation. Nestle must evaluate their basic entry strategy before entering into a new country. The company is supposed to make choices based on the long run profitability of different foreign markets. The strategy is all about balancing the cost, benefits, innovation and excellence. Nestle matures by acclimatizing food components and processing technology in local environment; it is mostly done by employing the appropriate local brand name. For an instance, in many countries in Europe, Nestle introduced few dairy products under the brand name of Sveltesse (Nestle, n.d.). In Asia, the strategy was mainly to acquire the local companies present there. This is mainly done with the motive to structure an assembly of independent regional managers since they know the local cultures and markets better than the foreign employees. The companys strong cash inflow as well as its powerful debt equity ratio gives Nestle with ample power to venture into acquisition and consolidation. Nestle has been using a broad strategy for Asian market. The strategy is to produce different products in distinct countries to be supplied to the entire regional market. For an instance, Nestle produces soya sauce powder in Singapore (Nestle, n.d.), cereals and coffee in Philippines (Nestle, 2008). All these products are produced to serve the regional market. Market enhancement strategies Market enhancement strategies are primarily divided into four major parts. Market penetration and development of the existing market are done by Nestle in two ways; either by marketing the existing products in the existing market or by introducing new products in the existing market. Nestle, during the early stages of its initiation only marketed the milk products, a sort of infant food. In the year 1905, the company merged with Anglo Swiss Condensed milk to enhance and broaden the milk product line (Nestle, n.d.). This acquisition helped Nestle to penetrate further into the market thereby enabling it to enhance its existing products already present in the market. The risk is considerably reduced as the market is already aware of the existing product line. The small market size of Switzerland forced Nestle to explore other regions for their long term growth perspective. Consequently, Nestle established its milk products and infant food processing plant in Asia, Africa, Britain and America (finntrack, n.d.). This is an example of market development strategy where Nestle used its existing product lines to enter into the new regional markets. Nestle had certain inherent risks, the primary being, the unfamiliarity with the market and the absence of customers awareness regarding the product. In such a case, most of the times, they start with some local brands of the local companies which are readily recognized by the local consumers. In such a course the products are more readily accepted by the regional consumers. In the year of 1929, the company moved into the chocolate business. This happened when the company acquired the Swiss chocolate maker. The next product was one of the most revolutionary one, Nescafe, the first soluble coffee powder of the world (finntrack, n.d.). In coming years, Nestle moved its business to other segments, primarily through a number of acquisitions which included Maggi, Findus, Cross Blackwell and Perrier (finntrack, n.d.). The entry of the new products in new markets diversified its range of acquisition. For most of the market enhancement techniques, Nestle had used either acquisition or consolidation. Be it the existing market or be it the new market, Nestle has always strived for innovation and brilliance. Global and local strategies Nestle is one of the renowned global organizations. So it is not surprising that the international strategy would be at the core of its tactical focus. Nestle is a decentralized company with the operational responsibilities spread out among the local units. The local units enjoy autonomy in regards to pricing, marketing, distribution etc. For an example, in Nigeria, Nestle has done away with its traditional distribution procedure of operating from a central warehouse because of Nigerias poorly developed road system. Instead Nestle has constructed several small warehouses around the country. This shows that the companys responsiveness to diverse local conditions. Nestle even employs local staffs for their regional offices as they are better equipped to handle the business procedures and customers. This in turn helps the organization to respond to the local demand more effectively and efficiently; resulting in increased market share and profitability for the company. The adaptation procedure embraced in China is another example of the companys focus on long term goals. After some 13 years of discussion, Nestle was finally invited to China in the year of 1987 by the government (finntrack, n.d.). Nestle started by opening of a powder milk producing farm in 1990; but soon after that the company realized that transportation infrastructure over there was inadequate to carry on the process. The infrastructure used to inhibit the accumulation of milk and delivery of the finished products. Rather than putting up with the existing infrastructure, Nestle made a plan to build up its own road for the transportation of milk and other finished products. Farmers used to bring the milk to the centers where it was weighed and checked for quality. Nestle used to pay the farmers on time. That acted as an incentive for the farmers and they increased the production of milk. This resulted in an increased number of cows in the district. After a period it became the res ponsibility of the area managers to organize the delivery of the milk to the factory centers. Although initially the whole procedure seemed very costly; but Nestle had the vision to see its long term profitability. This paved the way for the companys success in China. Another example which shows that Nestle inclination to adapt local products is its operation in Syria. In Syria there is a huge demand for tomato and its related ingredient. The company used it to boost their sales. By using local ingredients and concentrating on the local demand, the company has earned a good rate of return in those regions. However this is not the case everywhere. Nestle had faced severe problems in Japan. Failure to make its coffee brand compatible to the weather condition, forced Nestle to lose its significant market shares to Coca Cola (finntrack, n.d.). Organizational Structure Nestle has seven different strategic business units worldwide. Now, these units have the responsibility to make strategic decisions as well as to look after the overall development of the business, which even includes consolidations and other market ingress strategies. Apart from this structure, a regional organizational structure operates almost parallel to the previous one. This structure divides the whole operating zone into five foremost geographical regions, including North America, Europe and some others. These regional divisions are in charge to make the development strategies for their individual regions, hence contributing towards the overall tactical decision making. Local units are responsible for local operating decisions; the tactical business units or the regional heads have nothing to do with their decision making. Nestlà © makes exhaustive use of their local managers, to connect its diverse operations through out the world. They also make their managers move from one country to another. These managers are mostly selected on the basis of their characteristics, their inclination towards such kind of lifestyle and their working ability. This company also uses its management program to enhance optimistic energy level among their employees. The reason behind carrying out such kind of workshops is to provide them knowledge about Nestlà ©s strategy and the culture. One of the most important departments, in this company, is its research and development division. Nestlà ©s global network is spread around 17 research and development centers and are enriched with about 3500 qualified and experienced people from more than 50 countries; the main think tank being the Nestle research centre at Switzerland (Nestle, 2006). Nestle research division is expected to become bigger and better with time in its attempt to attain higher degree of innovation. Recommendations The company should work further to make better quality products. It needs to be aware of the fact that the incident happened in melamine in Chinese made infant food should not get repeated again (redOrbit, 2008). Situation can turn adverse for Nestle if these would happen again. The company must try to make its product differentiation by enhancing the quality of food and beverages (redOrbit, 2008). Conclusion Nestle has been able to make its presence felt as the worlds largest food company. Since its inception it has been able to increase the market share by implementing successful growth strategies. This indicates that the overall tactical practice of Nestle has been quite effective in the regional markets they have entered into. In conclusion it can be said that the key reason behind the companys success is their amalgation of customization with globalization. It would be wrong to say that the country has marked its sign with the help of globalization. For an example, the company had entered into the China market as part of globalization efforts; but it was a success in that country because of the alignment of products and services with the consumer demands over. Despite having inferior infrastructure, Nestle was able to increase the production of powdered milk by a large amount. This actually showed the triumph of their strategy and flexibility. The reason behind companys success in ex panding into prospective markets can be attributed to the organizational structure as well as its core corporate strategy. Two significant reasons behind this success have been its flexible response towards the environmental change as well as its willingness to learn about the new culture. Despite the recent downturn Nestle has been able to maintain a continuous growth, even in the new markets, with the help of skillful market enhancement strategies. This excellent performance is facilitated by the execution of its unique strategy in building up bonds with customers through the local employees and managing the entire process using a very distinct approach. With most of the marketing strategy in its favor Nestle is expected to continue making profits and increase its market share but it also has to take certain factors like economical, cultural and into account while pursuing the strategy to ensure an all around development of the company.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Age Discrimination Within The Workplace Essay -- Job Ageism Essays

Age discrimination in employment, also known as job ageism, is a complex issue which impacts on many areas of Government policy and can have many implications for individuals themselves. Age discrimination can occur across the whole spectrum of employment and can affect both younger and older people. It can affect a person’s chances of getting a job, as well as their chances of promotion or development when in work. Age can also be a factor when employers decide who should be selected for termination. Ageism seems to be more common in the workplace than racism or sexism. Although only about 20% Of all complaints filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) are for age discrimination, settlements and jury awards are substantially higher in such cases than in those for race, sex or disability discrimination (Age Discrimination, 1999). Older people are accused of lacking energy and flexibility, while young people lack experience. Many people are refused the opportunity to show whether or not they have what it takes because of their age. These people are being robbed of their employment opportunities. Definition of Age Discrimination There can be both direct and indirect forms of age discrimination in employment. The most obvious forms are where people hold strong, stereotypical views about a person’s capabilities to do a job or to be developed because of their age. For instance, an employer could regard all 18 year olds as immature and incapable of managing older staff, even if they have the right qualifications and experience for the job. On the other hand, an employer could consider all those over 50 to be incapable of learning about new technology, because â€Å"that’s something that young... ...tions (5th). Boston, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company. Petrick, J. A., & Furr, D. S. (1995). Total quality in managing human resources. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie Press. Player, A. M. (1992). Federal law of employment discrimination (3rd). St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co. Retrieved April 13, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Retrieved April 13, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Weitzman, A. H., & Senior, J. M. (1999). Employment law: Age discrimination.† National Law Journal, 22 (13), B7. Retrieved April 13, 2000 from ProQuest Direct on-line database. Yates, M. (1994). Power on the job: The legal rights of working people. Boston, MA: South End Press. Zemke, R. (1999). Get old - - get out!† Training; Minneapolis, 36 (3), 6-8. Retrieved April 13, 2000 from ProQuest Direct on-line database.

Friday, October 11, 2019

An Analysis Of Environmental Toxicology Environmental Sciences Essay

Environmental Toxicology is a quickly developing field concerned with the research how natural and semisynthetic pollutants impact the wellness of worlds, wildlife, and whole ecosystems. It involves application of a assortment of techniques to analyze the impact of toxic agents on life beings and provides powerful tools for measuring the hazards associated with the presence of these agents. It draws on a assortment of scientific subjects to depict, step, explain and predict the badness and frequence of inauspicious effects on life beings due to environmental poisonous exposure. Pollution, depletion of resources and decomposition of ecological maps are of planetary, regional and local concerns. Environmental toxicology nowadayss many practical applications to these jobs. The findings are used by authorities bureaus to put new pollution control criterions and to analyse the badness of harm in an ecosystem and develop the smartest ways to travel about cleaning it up. Land development co mpanies may besides work with environmental toxicologists to do certain that glade and building attempts are every bit environmentally-friendly as possible. It involves proving dirt, H2O, and air samples to look for the beginning pollution, and utilize their findings to better understand wellness impacts on native species. Pakistan, as developing state, is confronting challenges with a figure of serious environmental issues such as devolution of natural resources, industrial and vehicular pollution, pollution of coastal environment, impairment of human wellness. Sum uping in fiscal footings, the one-year cost of environmental disparagement in the state is about 4.3 % of GDP ( US $ 4.3 billion ) . This workshop is about the turning sum of pollution in Pakistan. Examines findings of different surveies turn outing that wellness is being adversely affected by a assortment of environmental contaminations. The above state of affairs has arisen due to a figure of factors including high pop ulation growing rate, predominating poorness, unplanned urban and industrial enlargement, deficient accent on environmental protection in the authorities policies, deficiency of public consciousness and instruction and deficiency of institutional capacity and resources for effectual environmental direction. To forestall continued environmental debasement and the diminution of human & A ; environmental wellness, interactions between human, other life beings and the environment have to be in harmoniousness. This is accomplishable through an integrated, holistic attack embracing instruction and research activities in natural scientific disciplines, socio-economic and political factors with technological, economic and socio-cultural intercessions. Increasing consciousness of environmental debasement is ensuing in proliferation of environmental statute law throughout the universe. This thrust towards greater environmental protection has created a demand for scientists skilled in measurin g environmental resources and more significantly the jobs associated with their development. Environmental appraisal may be required to measure the biological, physical or hydrological resources of any environment, and to put these resources within a wider geographical context. This workshop is an attempt to supply a wide foundation of scientific based accomplishments to germinate, fiting environmental professions, peculiarly in countries associating to environmental protection and direction. Furthermore, the national and international demands have been under concern for better environmental direction understanding the inter-relationship between sustainable economic development and environmental protection. Opening comments from Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, Chairman section of pharmacological medicine and toxicology/the Director Research UVAS, were followed by that of Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nawaz, Vice Chancellor of the Exchequer UVAS, and Prof. Dr. Mrs. Kausar Jamal Cheema, Dean Faculty of Natural Sciences, Lahore College for Women University, all of whom emphasized the importance to use the corporate wisdom in proviso of improved methods for toxicity appraisal and rational agencies for gauging wellness hazard in order to advance public wellness and to supply a better and safer environment to forestall wellness jobs before they occur. They added further it is our mission to develop new environmental toxicologists and reference pertinent environmental toxicology inquiries through instruction and research in countries such as chemical destiny, bioavailability, biological consequence, toxicokinetics, and mechanisms of action. A focal point on interdisciplinary attacks and scientific accomplishm ents is cardinal to our instruction and research activities. Dr. Sohail Ejaz ( co-author of this study ) , PhD, University of Cambridge, UK co-ordinator and workshop organiser presented on the advanced appraisal techniques for measuring impact of Air Pollution upon Neuroinflammatory diseases of Central nervous system and how these surveies could be implemented in our research labs. New dimensions have been added to the array of result steps. Medical outcomes research now recognizes that patient wellbeing should be loosely conceptualized and measured strictly, in add-on to sing the biological procedure of the disease itself. As a consequence, health-related quality of life, the perceptual experience of wellbeing, is now considered a necessary constituent of results research. Toxicologic surveies have besides gained in edification through incorporation of more sensitive indexs of consequence and the careful tracing of the relationship between exposure and biologically relevant doses to aim sites, which may now be considered at a molecular degree . He besides gave an overview of all his research activities conducted at Department of Clinical Neuroscience and how to work upon such techniques in our state with scarced resources and what marks to be achieved farther to get the better of environmental pollution issues in Pakistan. Dr. Sohail Ejaz bring to a stopping point to develop and back up research plans, outreach and other services that address critical issues in environmental wellness and toxicology. An international talker Prof. Dr. Gerry Amor Camer, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine from University of Eastern Philippines, wide casted through picture conferencing installation. He shared his singular research work on tissue toxicology and presented a talk on â€Å" Understanding the pathology of tissues exposed to assorted toxins and pollutants † . Assessment of the environmental effects of chemicals is complicated as it depends on the beings tested and involves non merely the toxicity of single chemicals, but besides their synergistic effects, genotoxicity, mutagenecity and immunotoxicity testing. He farther elaborated that a figure of stressors affect the environment and sometimes when demoing interactive effects they become hard to quantify or foretell their single effects. Therefore, there is a demand to understand the poisonous effects at molecular degrees to foretell their effects and bing techniques to be invariably modified to supply better agencies of their qua ntification. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali, Department of wildlife and ecology, UVAS, presented on Beginnings and Health effects of different Air pollutants. The mechanisms for patterning and understanding the destiny of air pollutants through atmospheric conveyance, deposition into H2O and dirt, bioaccumulation, and ultimate consumption to receptor variety meats and systems in the human organic structure are complex. These require more experimental and theoretical developments in order to bring forth attacks for word picture and appropriate schemes and checks for testing in order to observe the harmful agents and forestall them from making sensitive end points. This seminar and workshop provided research workers from all over Pakistan a comprehensive platform where all aspects of environmental pollution as it exists in our state to be to the full explored and a forum to these professionals and research workers to discourse and present latest research tendencies and consequences in the field of Toxicology. Such enterprises help to back up the survey, analysis, and solution of environmental jobs which are finally impacting the wellness of human existences, animate beings, workss, dirts and over all eco-system unity. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf highlighted different research activities rendered by the section of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the recent old ages at his establishment. He discussed the constitution of new research labs at the section an attempt to open room accesss to many new dimensions therefore advancing the promotion and application of scientific research related to the contaminations. This included the constitution of Angioge nesis & A ; Toxicology lab ( ATRL ) and a Neuropharmacology lab in the module a progressive measure for Applied Neuropharmacology & A ; Cancer research. He elaborated further that our research aims to find how environmental pollutants interact with cellular maps and give rise to durable inauspicious wellness effects in craniates including worlds. We are peculiarly interested in toxic effects that target the endocrine system, the generative system and the early encephalon development and other systems in craniates. Enzyme-catalysed activation in mark cells and tissues and receptor-mediated responses are of import countries of research. With an debut of these research labs, it is besides an attempt in pulling really high quality pupils across Pakistan and foreign qualified and relevant module members to take lead on feasible research undertakings needed to turn to our country-specific jobs. Speakers from assorted universities and Govt. sections presented their research undertakings and research documents. Mr. Khaleeq Anwar, PhD Scholar, presented his work on â€Å" Impact of Automobile jinrikisha on Public wellness † . He presented grounds that Automobile jinrikishas are among one of the major beginnings of air pollution in Pakistan, contaminations released from them include the major pollutants Carbon Monoxide ( CO ) , Nitrogen Oxides ( NOx ) , Hydrocarbons ( HC ) and Particulate Matter ( PM ) showing their annihilating effects in deteriorating public wellness. To hold a control over contaminations realized by these two-or three stroke conventional jinrikishas CNG jinrikisha were introduced. Mr. Rizwan Ahmad, Assistant Director, Vehicular Pollution Control, Govt. of Punjab, farther extended the talk by showing on â€Å" Advantages of CNG over other fuels † . He presented his survey on the nature of the poisons wastewater by firing natural gas as fuel and a comparative analysis was made between the nature of the contaminations released by both conventional car jinrikisha and CNG jinrikisha. Statistically important information was evidenced that emphasized the usage of CNG jinrikisha to be preferred over the conventional two-or three shot jinrikishas. Lubna Shakir, PhD Scholar, discussed the public wellness jobs aroused due to dispatch of tannery wastewater effluent straight into the land in the metropolis of Kasur. The environment is under increasing force per unit area from solid and liquid wastes emanating from the leather industry. These are inevitable byproducts of the leather fabrication procedure and cause important pollution unless treated in some manner prior to dispatch. The consequence of inordinate pollutant degrees normally found in tannery wastewaters can be terrible. Water is so contaminated that drinkable H2O has high degrees of Cr and other poisons have been reported in appreciable sums unfit to be used by public. She presented a comprehensive talk entitled, â€Å" Chemical, microbiological and toxicological showing of tannery wastewater effluent † . In her work she quantified the assorted poisons and studied their hurtful effects utilizing research lab animate beings by utilizing assorted dilutions of this tannery waterwaste. She farther elaborated her talk that appraisal of the environmental effects of chemicals is complicated as it depends on the beings tested and involves non merely the toxicity of single chemicals, but multiple factors are involved in relation to wellness behaviours, which may frequently ensue in inauspicious wellness results. Zahida Umer, a immature research worker, outlined the informations demoing the Measurement of pollution degrees in different countries of Lahore by utilizing C monoxide, sulfur dioxide metres, and other available contaminant measuring metres and impacter for particulate affair in different countries of Lahore and provided a comparative analysis of these poisons at different countries. She farther lucubrated her talk by explicating different methodological analysiss for air pollution measuring. Air pollution can be straight measured as it is emitted by a beginning in mass/volume of emanation ( e.g. , grams/m3 ) or mass/process parametric quantity ( e.g. , grams/Kg fuel consumed or grams/second ) . Air pollution can besides be measured in the ambiance as a concentration ( e.g. , micrograms/m3 ) . Ambient air supervising informations is used to find air quality, set up the extent of air pollution jobs, assess whether established criterions are being met, and qualify the possible human w ellness hazard in an country. Alternatively, air pollution concentrations can be simulated utilizing computing machine theoretical accounts, and so validated utilizing informations collected from direct measurings at selected proctors or beginnings. Air pollution informations and theoretical accounts are used together to analyze the impacts of control schemes on the ambient air. Kanwal Zahra, Government College University, presented on â€Å" Effectss of industrial wastewater on the thyroid secretory organs of human population † . The human organic structure is vastly complex, and our cognition and consciousness of its complexness continues to turn. One of the most disquieting finds in recent old ages concerns the possible functions of environmental chemicals on endocrinal systems. Among the endocrines ( â€Å" chemical couriers † ) operating within the hormone system are estrogen ( a female sex endocrine produced by the ovaries ) ; thyroid endocrine ( act uponing the map of virtually every cell in the organic structure ) ; and ACTH ( produced by the pituitary secretory organ to act upon the release of epinephrine from the adrenal secretory organ ) . Endocrine systems can be affected by these pollutants by interfering with the normal communicating between the courier and the cell receptors, the chemical message is misinterpreted, bring forthing unnatural response ( s ) in the organic structure. As thyroid secretory organs let go ofing endocrines act uponing the entire metabolic rate of the organic structure, in her survey she evidenced the assorted pathological results of thyroid poisoning by these industrial wastes and could be the possible damaging effects resulted. Prof. Dr. Sharif Mughal, Government College University, discussed the impact of assorted poisons on Marine environment. Petroleum hydrocarbons are found in sea surface movie throughout the universe. The oceans have served as a depository for a battalion of wastes and receive wastewater from rivers, watercourses, and groundwater. Atmospheric deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) and other hydrocarbons adds to the load of pollutants in the marine environment. Industrial smokestacks, incinerators, outfall pipes, cars, lawn chemicals, agricultural chemicals, places, concerns, commercial ships, and motorised pleasance trade are all beginnings of contaminations. Many of these chemicals are fat-soluble and come to shack in the fatty tissues of Marine animate beings. Some of these chemicals have been characterized as endocrinal disrupters ; some are believed to cut down generative success, to interfere with developmental procedures, and/or to stamp down immune map. Other ch emicals, such as PAHs, do non bioaccumulate in marine mammals but may hold inauspicious impacts on the wellness of Marine animate beings through repeated exposure and metabolic response. He evidenced the above scenario by showing his survey on the Serological and histological alterations in the liver of Labeo Rohita dur due to fluoride poisoning. An attempt to qualify the types of lesions produced by these chemical contaminations found in, the metabolic response to such contaminations, and the extent of tissue harm caused by exposure to these contaminations. He farther elaborated his talk that animate beings are exposed to natural poisons in their native environments every bit good as to man-made chemicals and drugs. Factors that affect the toxicity include ; those related to the poisons, which influence how it A ­A ­enter and finally act upon the factors related to the host animate beings that change its ability to detoxicate or accommodate to the poison. The concluding Lecture of the workshop was presented on the subject, â€Å" Word picture of Environmental pathologies by immunohistochemistry † by Dr. Sohail Ejaz, PhD, University of Cambridge, England. He flesh out his talk that Environmental toxicity encompasses the survey of the toxic belongingss of non merely man-made chemicals but natural besides, including their effects on worlds and animate beings every bit good as their motion and destiny in the environment. It is a demand to develop research techniques for the appraisals of effects of these pollutants and supervising their deadly effects non on human wellness merely but impacting every life being and our eco-system. Therefore seting our joint attempts to supply a better and safer environment to forestall wellness jobs before they occur. Decision: This was a variegate workshop to back up and advance the survey, analysis, and solution of environmental jobs which finally impacting the wellness of human existences, animate beings, workss, dirts, harm edifices and other belongings and upheaval of awareness degree at National and International degree through research and development. We can populate a healthy life in a clean environment and it can merely be achieved by recognizing and understanding the importance of clean environment. Therefore to supply consciousness about the effects of all possible environmental pollutants and the corresponding steps to be taken to diminish contaminations exposure. Besides to promote research techniques for the appraisal of effects of these pollutants and supervising their deadly effects on human wellness and conserving and protecting our environment. Disclosures and Auxiliary Information: This workshop was organized at Department of Pharmacology & A ; Toxicology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore in coaction with the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK This meeting was funded by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan.

‘A taste of honey’ and ‘My mother said I never should’ Essay

The two drama texts we have studied are ‘A taste of honey’ and ‘My mother said I never should’. These two texts have similar themes and issues. They both deal with growing up, single parenthood, leaving home, friendship, family relationships including conflict between daughters, parents and the attitude toward different class behaviour. In this essay I shall be exploring the similarities and differences between the two texts. I shall start with an analysis of ‘A taste of honey’ and compare this with ‘my mother said I never should’. ‘A taste of honey’ is set in the 1960’s in a scrubby little worn-down flat. It deals with the life of a young girl called Jo and her mother called Helen. In this drama text, Jo and Geof do not get on well with Helen. They are in conflict with each other all the time. We know this because the text illustrates lots of aggressive language like â€Å"oh, go to hell†. Helen has a boyfriend called peter she leaves Jo to live with him, but when she finds out that Jo is pregnant she returns to the flat. When she returns she finds that Jo is living with a young man called Geof. He is a homosexual and peter is quite homophobic so he insults him constantly. We know this because he calls him a pansy. Jo is similar to Jackie in ‘My mother said I never should’ because they are both young single mothers that have dropped out of college however, they are slightly different too because Jackie, Margaret and her family are middle/upper class opposed to Jo’s and Helen’s family which are lower/working class. ‘A taste of honey’ we see Helen come back to look after her daughter, but she runs out on her Jo and her new baby. In ‘My mother said I never should, the daughter is required to give up her role as a mother to return to art college. Jo never has this option and this is another difference between the texts. ‘My mother said I never should’ has many themes that are the same as ‘A taste of honey’ for example both deals with young mothers. In this play, there are four different generations of women. The characters names are Jackie, Margaret, Doris and the baby is called Rosie. Attitude to sex and having children has changed through the play form generation to generation as the different characters reflect this. For instant, Jackie is a young child, Margaret is pregnant, we know this because the play goes back in time to a scene in the garden where Margaret tell Doris how she feels about her miscarriage. Margaret says, â€Å"I thought I didn’t want it, till I lost it†. Doris, Margaret’s mother tells Margaret that she shouldn’t have worked while she was pregnant. She seems to think that working was the reason that Margaret lost the baby. This shows that in the 1960’s women were supposed to stay at home in bed, resting and not working. Margaret thinks that this idea is very sexist. Later in the characters’ lives Jackie challenges her mothers attitudes to sex before marriage. We learn that Jackie is already sexually active. We know this because the text states that Jackie slept with her boyfriend at his parents house Jackie say, â€Å"It was a relief to get it over with†. Her mother is not particularly happy about it as she says, â€Å"oh you can wound me sometimes, Jackie†. She is unhappy about the fact that Jackie could possible be pregnant. Later in the play we see Jackie with little baby Rosie. They are living in a run down council flat, which shows that the area is lower class. We also learn that the father is not there to help look after Rosie so Jackie is therefore a single mother. Her mother comes to visit and we learn that Jackie’s mother is pressuring Jackie into giving up the baby and return to art college. As we learn from the text, Jackie is not happy about this as Jackie mother says, â€Å"Jackie, we can’t go over this again †¦ you know as well as I do, it would be impossible† and Jackie replies by saying † I don’t believe you†. Margaret and her husband are ashamed by single parents. We know that her father is unhappy about Jackie and Rosie because he won’t go into the house however Margaret is more relaxed about the situation that Jackie and Rosie are in. she comes to pick up Rosie and Rosie’s clothes as she will be her new mother. Jackie is reluctant in giving Rosie to Margaret. Jackie is now free to go to Art College again. This reflects that attitudes towards working mothers have changed from one generation to the next. In conclusion I think both are similar in most of their themes however they differ when it comes to how the mothers react and why they react to the situation. For example Helen wanted Jo to move in with her because she thinks she cant cope and Margaret want Jackie to give the baby to her so she can go back to art college because Margaret is from an upper class family and a young single mother is shamed upon and she also wants to have a better life.